Delivering the Net-Zero Transformation

A policy agenda for a European high-tech manufacturing base

The next five years will make Europe’s industrial base or break it; accelerate Europe’s path to a prosperous net-zero future or bog it down; assert Europe’s open strategic autonomy or weaken it. Political choices will be crucial to the outcome.

As Europe’s technology industries, we fully recognise our responsibility and the crucial role we have to play as enablers of a Europe that thrives in the net-zero age. We strongly believe that the cards are still in Europe’s hands and that, with a comprehensive competitiveness push, we can continue to lead the clean tech revolution and build a resilient, competitive and decarbonised European industrial base.

That is the motivation behind this agenda for the 2024-2029 EU legislative cycle. Read the Executive Summary below and discover our six policy priorities, then download the complete agenda to access our concrete recommendations.


Having put in place the legislative framework for the European Green Deal and the digital transformation, Europe must now shift its attention to implementation: if we are to reach our net-zero goals, the next five years must be about actually delivering the green transition. This is the hard part. Europe will only succeed if it can mobilise the full power of the markets, and of its world-class manufacturing base in particular. Lower regulatory burdens and simpler rules will be essential ingredients in achieving this.

The European technology industries that Orgalim represents welcome the political focus on industry’s role in achieving the green transition. We are global leaders in the carbon-neutral energy, electrification and clean manufacturing technologies needed to get to net-zero, and we are committed to playing our part.

To date, however, our companies have yet to experience the positive impact of the unprecedented wave of new green and digital legislation. Investment in our industries is declining, just when it should be up, and an international comparison of economic indicators for manufacturing clearly shows the creeping erosion of the competitiveness of European industry.

Unless the EU makes boosting competitiveness a top priority in the upcoming legislative cycle, European manufacturing will continue to lose ground on the global market. This will not only put at risk Europe’s net-zero ambitions, but also the standard of living of its citizens. The stakes for Europe’s long-term sustainability, prosperity and stability are high.

 A radical competitiveness push

That is why we are calling for a new political agenda focused on systematically creating the right framework conditions to unleash the full power of Europe’s high-tech manufacturing potential. An agenda that prioritises the essential pillars of the net-zero transformation:

  • The electrification of industry and wider society
  • The uptake of advanced manufacturing and other enabling technologies
  • The entrepreneurial and innovation potential of European industry

As Europe shifts to implementation mode on its far-reaching Green Deal and digital legislative framework, we highlight six fundamental priorities:

  1. Decrease the regulatory burden
  2. Regain global leadership in research and innovation
  3. Recommit to the Single Market
  4. Make digital legislation work for the manufacturing industries
  5. Remove trade barriers
  6. Ensure competitive and secure energy supply

As the industries providing the technologies needed for the net-zero transformation, we present this agenda for a strong European high-tech manufacturing base that makes our green, prosperous and resilient future a reality. It is possible, if we work together. But there is no time to for complacency.

Orgalim is producing a series of key recommendations that offer policymakers concrete, practical steps for building a competitive high-tech manufacturing base that can power Europe’s path to reach net-zero. 

Malte Lohan, Director General, Orgalim – Europe's Technology Industries

“Europe’s ambition to lead the net-zero transformation will not fail because of the policies of our competitors. But it may fail if the right policy conditions for a resilient and competitive industrial base are not there at home. This agenda identifies priority actions to take Europe into a new net-zero, high-tech manufacturing age. Let’s make it happen.”

See the complete policy agenda to discover our concrete recommendations.

For more information or to arrange a meeting, please contact:

Malte Lohan, Director General, Orgalim – Europe's Technology Industries.